Bariloche is a marvelous city located in Argentina, South America. The city’s natural beauties are unmatched, and the local gastronomy is equally pleasing, making this travel destination an excellent choice for food-loving tourists.
I’m completely biased because Bariloche is one of my favorite places in the entire world, but every time I visit I left with my heart — and my stomach — full!
With a very nice range of food options, this guide has everything to please people with very different tastes. Bariloche has delicious desserts, as well as amazing pasta and pizzas that can make your traveling experience extra memorable.
So, get ready to check out our guide for the best foods in Bariloche (and where to eat them)!
Table of Contents
Rapanui – Best Chocolate Souvenirs and Pastries
Pastries and sweets go hand in hand with Bariloche’s cold weather, and you simply can’t leave the city without trying some. Rapanui is a traditional Argentinian pastry shop with amazing options for chocolate and pastries.
The ambiance is beautiful, mixing up old-school design with modern details, offering a very distinguished setting for you to taste many delicious desserts.

I’d say it’s tough to go wrong with any choice in Rapanui. May it be the sweets or some of the salty pastries – which are also amazing – the place is very high quality. There are also a lot of gluten-free options for customers with allergies.
A good sequence of orders would be to start with a salty option, then go with two sweet options — or more, no one’s stopping you. The chocolate bars are simple but also the place’s specialty, meaning that they’re pretty amazing.
You can also go with ice cream, brownies, waffles, cappuccinos, and more!

El Mundo – Best Pizza
There’s nothing wrong with going with traditional options in your travel experience. Sometimes, you just want a pizza and that’s that. And Bariloche’s El Mundo pizzeria can satisfy you in that situation.
As for the flavors, I’m sure you’ll probably find the one you like. The place has about 100 pizza flavors, including traditional ones (mozzarella, pepperoni, anchovy, etc.), and Patagonia specialties. Patagonia flavors can be more exotic for tourists and include wild boar, trout, deer, and more.
You have the option of asking for a pizza with two flavors, which is something I did and I recommend because you get the chance to taste even more flavors. If you’re feeling bold, you can choose one Patagonia flavor and one traditional, and if not, play it safe with two flavors that you already know.
The Patagonian traditional toppings are my favorites, so even if you feel a bit on the fence about trying trout, wild boar, or lamb on your pizza, please give it a chance.
The ambiance is very rustic and simple, so don’t expect any luxury in this department. But the food itself it’s definitely worth the visit.

La Casita – Best Fondue (a bit expensive)
Located in Bariloche’s downtown, the La Casita restaurant offers many delicious options, including a spectacular fondue. I mean, you just can’t go wrong with cheese, right?
But I must say this option will be better experienced if you save a little money before coming in because it’s a bit more expensive than the other options in this guide.
Still, I wouldn’t be recommending La Casita if the costs didn’t pay off. The place has many options for appetizers, main dishes, and desserts – as well as delicious vegetarian and gluten-free options.
The tone of the restaurant is very intimate and rustic. It feels modest but also very elegant, and sets the perfect atmosphere for a romantic date. Lucky for you, the wine options are pretty great too, and they can be the cherry on top of the whole experience.

Food Fair in Colonia Suiza
The overall geography and weather of Bariloche earned the city the nickname “Argentina’s Switzerland”. The historic village of Colonia Suiza (Swiss Colony, in English) represents this idea perfectly.
Traditionally, the village’s regional fair happens on Wednesdays and Sundays and involves the exposition/selling of not only gastronomic options but also artisanal products and artistic work from locals.
The most famous food available at the fair is the curanto, a dish that consists of a mixture between shellfish, pork meat, chicken, sausages, potatoes, onions, carrots, apples, and chapalele.
The curanto is cooked in a stone fire for five long days, during which the food stays unveiled by leaves that both provide the food with a smoky flavor and cover its appearance. This suspense is very deliberate, as the final revelation of the cooked (and ready-to-be-eaten) food is the big finale of the whole cooking spectacle, which is worth every waiting moment.
Also, you can find a whole variety of cuisines: pizza, tacos, soups, ceviche, cakes, pies, etc. So it’s a great place to taste a bit of everything.

5. Chocolate del Turista – Best Hot Chocolate
If you intend to travel to Bariloche during the high season, in which the weather is quite cold, then there’s nothing else that will match the atmosphere as well as a nice cup of hot chocolate.
At Chocolate del Turista, you’ll be able to get rid of this urge in the most delightful way possible. The environment is quite spacious, and the ambiance has a bakery style. The place mixes the format of a pastry shop and a bakery and is really well organized.
You’ll find chocolate in several delicious variations here, and they won’t let you down. They have chocolate bars, boxes of chocolates, brownies, boxes of candy, and, of course, the traditional south American chocolate sweet, the alfajor (in several flavors).
You can order your hot chocolate in the cafeteria section. Del Turista is located in a hiking region, so it’d be a perfect stop after a tiring excursion.
6. La Masia – Amazing Pasta and Incredible View
La Masia is a little piece of Italy in Bariloche. Perhaps the most elegant options in our guide, the restaurant excels at serving food from Italian cuisine while also offering an incredible view for its attendants.
The restaurant is located far north in Bariloche, close to Villa Campanario. It’s very close to nature, and you’ll find yourself surrounded by two things: the green from the trees and the spectacular blue of Rio Negro, which you’ll have an exclusive view of. Needless to say, this place is perfect for a romantic date.
The house’s specialty is certainly – for obvious reasons – the pasta dishes, which you’ll find many options of. But you also have amazing dish options with red meat, lamb, shrimp, and more. There are many options for delicious desserts and appetizers too.
La Masia is a bit expensive, but the service is great and, trust me, your overall experience in the restaurant will be worth the money.
If you are planning on visiting Argentina and spending some days in Buenos Aires, here is my food guide too.
I’m Maria and I love cooking—and mostly EATING—food from all around the world. I’ve been sharing my abuela’s secret Latin-American recipes for the last 7 years with the world on this blog. I’ve been a full-time food blogger for many years and I’m always trying new delicious meals that don’t require a culinary degree or a Michelin-star chef. I also love traveling, cats, and knitting.