People are becoming increasingly aware of the superior cooking technology of induction burners. Instead of an electric heating coil, the burners employ magnetic currents to heat pots and pans.
This cooking method has several advantages, including faster healing, easier cleanup, and precise control.

However, because cast iron cookware is heavier than other pots and pans. So, does cast ironwork on induction?
Cast iron cookware is compatible with induction cooktops because of its solid iron construction, which makes cast iron cookware highly magnetic, allowing it to function with induction technology. In addition, using enameled cookware with smooth finishes, such as Le Creuset, Uno Casa, Staub, or Chasseur, will help protect the induction cooker’s surface.
With the answer being yes, you can use cast iron on induction burners, but there are several things you should be aware of.
You might want to keep reading since we’ll go over that and how to make the most of this technology with cast iron.
Table of Contents
- Keep an eye out for it, scratching the surface
- What Cookware Is Safe to Use on Induction Cooktops?
- What Effect Do Induction Cooktops Have on Cast Iron?
- The Drawbacks of Using Cast Iron on an Induction Cooktop
- Is Enameled Cast Iron Safe to Use on an Induction Cooktop?
- When Is Induction Cooking Appropriate?
- How to Use Cast Iron to Control the Heat on Induction Cooktops
- The Benefits and Drawbacks of Induction Cooktops
- Silica Gel Pads to Prevent Rusting in Seasoned and Enamelled Cast Iron
- What Causes Cast Iron to Rust?
- Is it dangerous to have rust on cast iron?
- How Do I Remove Rust From Seasoned Cast Iron?
- Preventing Rust by Drying Cast Iron
- Finally, Does cast iron work on induction?
Keep an eye out for it, scratching the surface
Before you use cast iron on an induction burner, you should understand how its grittier and rougher surface can harm the surface of your cooktop.

Some people lay down a paper towel or parchment paper to prevent the cast iron from scratching the glass to protect the glass.
You might also carefully place the cast iron pot on the induction burners. Don’t let it go.
Those who do not like to do so could inspect the bottom of the cast iron to ensure that it is smooth and does not scratch the glass.
If you use cast iron on induction stoves, you risk scratching the glass, but taking the proper safeguards reduces the risk.
Materials such as aluminum, copper, stainless steel, and glass will not operate well with induction burners unless they have a magnetic foundation.
What Cookware Is Safe to Use on Induction Cooktops?
Iron pans and any black metal can be used to cast iron skillets and Dutch ovens.
You can use three factors to determine if it will function on induction burners.
First, make sure the pan has a smooth surface. Second, is it smooth on the surface? Finally, will the material be able to withstand magnetic currents?
Because of its lack of significant magnetic characteristics, glass, for example, will not function. It will not work unless you use a magnetic base made of materials that do not conduct magnetism.
Induction cooking cools down when it loses contact with its magnetic current. So, surprisingly, the cookware becomes the heat source while the glass remains chilly.
A flat-bottomed pan provides for solid magnetic interaction. If the bottom is uneven, the cooking top begins to bounce and produce noises on the glass surface.

What Effect Do Induction Cooktops Have on Cast Iron?
People like cast iron as cooking equipment because it retains heat longer and can resist high temperatures.
That makes it the ideal pot or skillet for foods that require slow cooking, such as soups and beef ribs.
Keep in mind that seasoning cast iron is necessary to eliminate the possibility of rusting. Here is a list of the best oils to season a cast iron pan.
Cast iron pots can help anemics with iron deficiency. An American Dietetic Association study discovered that cooking in cast iron pots lets some iron leak into the meal, providing anemics with a boost on their daily iron requirement. However, remember that enameled cast iron lowers the amount of iron leached into your feed.
The Drawbacks of Using Cast Iron on an Induction Cooktop
To get the most out of cast iron and induction burners, you must first grasp their drawbacks. Cast iron, for example, does not heat quickly. Overheating cast iron can result in hot patches. Hot spots on the pan will result in uneven cooking.

According to one study, small induction burners can cause inconsistent cooking. Heat goes from the center of the cast iron to the borders at first, and it can take up to 10 minutes to uniformly preheat the pan.
The other disadvantage is that cast iron does not respond to immediate heat shutdown as magnetic currents do. The current begins to cool as soon as it is disturbed.
Even with induction burners, don’t expect cast iron to behave that way, or you’ll burn yourself.
Cast iron requires regular maintenance.
Induction burner maintenance can be as simple as wiping down the glass.
Cast iron, on the other hand, necessitates regular maintenance to last. After each cooking session, you must wash the cast iron. Don’t use any soap. Turn on the hot water and scrape away at any leftovers or burnt food residue.
It may not have an immediate impact on the dish, but if this residue accumulates, it might harm the culinary flavor. A metal scouring pad should not be used since it will destroy the seasoned layer that keeps the rust away from your pan.
After you’ve washed your pan, make sure it’s scorched to prevent rust from forming. Cast iron pans can survive between 75 and 100 years if properly maintained.
Is Enameled Cast Iron Safe to Use on an Induction Cooktop?
We already discussed enamel cast iron and how it does not impart as much iron into your meal. To summarize, enameled cast iron works just as well on induction burners as it does on gas burners.
When Is Induction Cooking Appropriate?
We’ve talked a lot about cast iron and its application in induction cooking, but when should you use it?
On an induction burner, you could cook the following foods:
Beans, chillis, stews, sandwiches, steaks, pasta, etc. It’s a really versatile pan. But it’s especially good for meats because you can sear your meat and then deglaze.
One of the best aspects of induction cooking is the speed with which it may be prepared. For example, with an induction cooktop, a pot of water will begin to boil in 20 seconds.
Fully boiling water on an induction burner takes four minutes, three minutes faster than the seven-minute boil time on an electric coil. So don’t get up and leave your food.
When it comes to speed, induction burners prevail, but it doesn’t always equate to a good thing with cast iron because it takes time.
Cast iron works great on induction burners, but you must know how to use it properly.

How to Use Cast Iron to Control the Heat on Induction Cooktops
As previously stated, cast iron does not perform well with fast heating since it might generate heat spots.
What do you do when induction burners cook things quickly? First, as the pan heats up, turn the induction burners too low to assuage the cast iron’s aversion to quick heating.
Some people claim to have cooked spaghetti in under five minutes. However, for spaghetti, the cooking time on an electric coil might range from 10 to 12 minutes.
The Benefits and Drawbacks of Induction Cooktops
To get the most out of induction burners, you must first grasp what they do well and what they don’t. Of course, the most significant benefit is the quickness produced by the food. Induction burners can cook up to 50% faster in some circumstances. In addition, induction burners are visually appealing in the house and can be used as a discussion starter at dinner parties.
Unlike traditional cooking methods, induction burners do not make a mess, and because the glass top remains reasonably calm, meals that spill on it rarely stick. In addition, you can quickly clean an induction burner by wiping it down.
On the negative side, the burners will occasionally make an annoying rattling noise when set too high. The noise level varies depending on the material, with lighter stainless steel pans producing more noise than heavier cast iron pans.
Another disadvantage is that you must use particular cookware or it will not work. Stainless steel, for example, would necessitate a greater magnetic force in the base.
Silica Gel Pads to Prevent Rusting in Seasoned and Enamelled Cast Iron
Cast iron seasoning is a layer that forms on the outside of hot cast iron kitchenware after it has been seasoned with oil. Unfortunately, maintaining the “Shiny Patina” on the surface of cast iron cookware is not always possible. Other elements such as humidity, moisture, and how the cast iron is stored play a role.
I’ve discovered that using silica gel pads is meant to absorb moisture in items like dry food goods, electronics, leather, shoes, or wallets. It can also absorb additional liquid, preventing rust spots, which is the most straightforward approach to avoid this from happening!
Every few months, replace the old ones with new ones as they become saturated. Also, keep your pans away from moisture.
When using Silica Gel packets, place the cast-iron cookware inside something that will keep it free from humidity and moisture for best results. Cardboard packaging, timber boxes, storage closets, and cast-iron storage bags are all options.
What Causes Cast Iron to Rust?
Cast iron pans are prone to rust without the protective layer of carbonized oil known as seasoning. Even a well-seasoned pan can rust if left in water, placed in the dishwasher, or stored in a wet environment.
The most straightforward approach to preventing rust is keeping your cast iron clean and dry. The seasoning will protect from minor scratches, but it will deteriorate over time if any food or oil residue is not carefully cleaned off. It could also be caused to hard water stains, which are more difficult to remove without washing (since they don’t want to spread).
Scrub the pan with dish soap before adding vinegar for good measure; this should help wash away any stuck-on residue!
Is it dangerous to have rust on cast iron?
Cast iron is an excellent cooking material. The disadvantage of cast iron pans is that they are prone to rust if not cleaned and dried after each use or stored between usage.
Is this an issue?
It is feasible to cook with rusted cast iron cookware. However, it is critical to be aware of the situations that may cause this damage and what you can do to avoid having your food taste metallic or leaving stains behind during cooking.
For customers considering purchasing old used pieces at an estate sale before they grasp how much labor might go into fixing them up personally, the remark “it is doable” should always be accompanied by a certain degree of caution.
Rust can be dangerous to some people more than others because it can create health concerns through consumption and corrosion on other goods stored nearby.
The simple solution is to clean and season the cast-iron surface to restore its former beauty.
How Do I Remove Rust From Seasoned Cast Iron?
Water is frequently the cause of rust spots on a cast iron pan. This could be due to rough water or anything placed in the pan. They were then allowed to sit for a while before being rinsed away.
In any case, knowing how to remove these stains is critical not only for preserving your cookware but also for avoiding health problems!
You can take numerous approaches; experiment to see what works best for you!
For most situations of minor corrosion, the procedure is straightforward and may be completed within five minutes.
Water and Soap
Most people will use this method to clean their pots and pans, although the soap will break down the seasoning, and water is harmful to cast iron.
You’ll need a bowl of water and some dish soap. Pour soapy water over your cast iron pan, then scrub with steel wool, a wire brush, or an abrasive sponge until only clean metal remains.
YOU MUST – DRY the cast iron as quickly as possible; do not allow it to drip dry. The ideal approach is to dry the cast iron on low heat or inside a low-temperature oven. Heat will immediately dry it.
Salt, a natural cleanser, can remove rust from metal. When washing the cast, coarse grain salt or sea salt is advised.
Salt is highly beneficial (from cooking with metal utensils).
Sprinkle coarse salt over the scratched area while the cast-iron is still warm (not hot) and gently scrub with a scouring pad, a piece of potato, or even a bit of leather.
Rinse after each application to verify that all traces of rust or corrosion have been eliminated.
Salt and Vinegar
Another option is to attempt. The best approach to removing rust from cast iron is vinegar and salt.
Many people believe that the technique also removes all traces of oil, but this is not the case because it does not dissolve grease! Instead, the vinegar reacts chemically with metals such as copper or zinc, giving the metal its color and, if desired, an aesthetic patina.
Cast-Iron Cookware Restored with Seasoning
To collect any drips, place a sheet of aluminum foil on the lowest oven rack. Next, place your skillet upside down on the upper-middle oven rack after it has been well greased with shortening or oil (at 375 degrees). Bake for an hour, then remove from the oven and allow it cool in its heat. If necessary, repeat.
Preventing Rust by Drying Cast Iron
After all of the water, soap, salt, vinegar, and scrubbing, the cast iron must be dried as rapidly and thoroughly as possible.
A dry cloth will be enough, but you should go one step further and heat that pan up to dry every single pore of the iron. Then store in a clean, dry location until needed again.
Finally, Does cast iron work on induction?
Hopefully, this clarifies the differences between cast iron and induction burners and how to get the most out of them. Cast iron can be used, and it works nicely.
However, you must exercise prudence to ensure that you get the most out of your cooking. For example, induction burners scratch quickly, so either lay something down to protect the glass or set the cast iron down gently and don’t let it slide.
I’m Maria and I love cooking—and mostly EATING—food from all around the world. I’ve been sharing my abuela’s secret Latin-American recipes for the last 7 years with the world on this blog. I’ve been a full-time food blogger for many years and I’m always trying new delicious meals that don’t require a culinary degree or a Michelin-star chef. I also love traveling, cats, and knitting.