Healthy Egg Muffins with Spinach and Mushrooms

Yesterday was one of those day when all my diet and good healthy intentions disappeared in front of a pint of [easyazon_link identifier=”B00032HCA6″ locale=”US” tag=”cookwaregeek-20″]Häagen-Dazs[/easyazon_link] ice cream. Yes it was delicious, but as every food hangover I just wanted something extra healthy the next morning. You know, to compensate the disaster on my diet intentions. … Read more

Banana Cupcakes with Peanut Butter Frosting

Everybody has a favorite companion for peanut butter. It’s one of those ingredients that work so well with other flavors since it can enhance other natural flavors. Lately I’ve been craving for some bananas with peanut butter as my favorite afternoon snack. Then I thought: What if I convert this amazing combination into cupcakes? Definitely … Read more